cosmetic dental implants

Cosmetic implants for your teeth have revolutionised the field of dentistry. This is a direct way of achieving a natural and long-lasting appearance, addressing issues with missing or damaged teeth.

If you are paying close attention to this oral health service, there are particular steps that need to be understood. There is something of a journey throughout this process, allowing you to tailor an implant that delivers the perfect fit, assurance and peace of mind.

Let us walk you through what you can expect stage by stage.

Initial Evaluation and Consultation

The first step to securing cosmetic implants is to schedule a consultation with a trusted professional. The appointment will be a chance for the dentist to conduct a comprehensive evaluation. They assess your gums, teeth and jawbone. That is before you have an open conversation about your experiences, goals and any questions you might have about the design. Additional x-rays could be sourced to have a precise scan of bone density composition.

Creating a Treatment Plan

Restoring aesthetics with dental implant treatment allows you to develop a personalised plan. It will be tailored to your specific needs. From the amount of implants required to the timeline of the procedure and any additional extras like tooth extractions or grafting, they will all be factored into the program. Here is where you have the opportunity to review costs, track options with anesthesia and consider what is the best solution moving forward.

Undertaking the Implant Treatment

While all of the initial planning has been overseen, it is then time to engage the implants for cosmetic purposes. In most cases, you will be either put under anesthesia or conscious sedation. Surgeons will make a small incision into the gum tissue, prepare the jawbone, and precisely position the titanium implant into the designated area. The gum tissue is then sutured back into place. A temporary restoration may be used to safeguard the healing process.

Healing and Osseointegration

Recovery is essential at this juncture. It is the hard work of enhancing your smile, but the investment is worth it. As you heal, you take part in a process called osseointegration. What does this mean? Over a period of weeks and months, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone tissue. This creates the stable foundation that instills the design. Some post-operative instructions will be provided for your clarity.

Abutment Placement

After osseointegration, the dentist will attach an abutment to the implant. It serves as the connector between the implant and the final dental restoration. The small metal post is placed above the gum line. Once the specialist has made the custom implant design that matches your right colour, shape and size, it will be positioned onto the abutment.

Ongoing Care

For the sake of functionality, comfort and improving appearances, ongoing talks with cosmetic dentistry solutions are advised. Regular oversight and routine check-ups will help to red flag any issues. Given your own personal investment with the time, money and effort, you don’t want to compromise the process. This is where you enjoy longevity and peace of mind.